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The Parish Council

Your Councillors and Officers

Jeremy Emmett



Tel. 01675 443727

Ken Flood



Tel. 07976 423435

Simon Pile_edited.jpg

Simon Pile



Tel. 07759 366393

Robert Cookes



Tel. 07774 259235

Paul Hadley



Tel. 07973 326956


Kay Sumner



Tel. 07802 746764

What powers do Parish Councils have?


Parish councils have a range of legislative formal powers, such as providing play areas, village greens and allotments. But they can also monitor the services provided by the first tier of local government, Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council and influence the provision of services locally by such strategies as commenting on priorities set in Solihull Council’s Ward Action Plan.

Parish councils should also demonstrate that they have proven communication channels with parishioners through the provision of web sites, village newsletters, noticeboards and parish council surgeries etc. It is also recommended that parish council’s write a Parish Plan setting out its own priorities for serving its community.


Who makes up the Parish Council?


Barston's parish council consists of a paid clerk and a team of 5 elected councillors.


Who pays for the Parish Council?


Each year the parish Council needs to set a budget, by considering its commitment to provide services to the local community and raises its funds through a “precept”. This money is collected from all households within the parish along with council tax. Parishioners are able to raise queries on the budget and any other issues of concern at the Annual Meeting with parishioners or directly with the council.


How is the Parish Council regulated?


Councillors are governed by a National Code of Conduct, monitored by the Standards Board. The parish council also has its own Terms of Reference and Standing Orders agreed by the parish council and reviewed each year.

Further details can be obtained from the parish clerk.

Declarations of Acceptance of Office

Registration of Interests

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